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New Roof Project Takes First Steps!

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

On Nov. 14 and 15, the first phase of BYC’s roof replacement project was completed. The second floor roof and gutters were replaced. The previously recessed gutters are now hung flush with the fascia boards. The second floor roof previously had no attic vents. Now it has four. The rotted downspouts have all been replaced. The bar was covered with plastic sheeting as a precaution from dust, but it was barely needed.

The second phase of the roof project, to replace the flat sections of the roof, is scheduled to occur between April 26, 2023 and May 17, 2023. They do not plan to work on weekends, at our request. The schedule is so long because it includes the repair of the front balcony, potentially involving lots of carpentry, plus the waterproofing of both upper floor balconies, plus the new flat roof.

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