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BYC Explainer: Have you seen this photo before?

Betty Gray

By S/C Betty Gray

Well, this has been one of the mysteries that the Old Salts talk about, but I have never heard the whole story behind “the BYC submarine”. I always get referred from one Staff Commodore to another without finding out how it got there and where did it go. But finally, our very own buoy wrangler, race deck jockey, and bane of the mark-set boat Colin Thompson has spent the last couple of months researching it. Do you want to know more about the BYC submarine? Colin promises to talk our ears off about it at the August dinner meeting on Saturday, August 19. “Don’t worry!” he says. “There are pictures.” (photo provided by: Staff Commodore Carl Jordan)

The Berkeley Yacht Club Song from the first dinner meeting held June 1, 1939 has a tune. We ALL will sing it at the August dinner meeting. I hope you have been practicing the words printed last month in the NHT? Thanks to Evan and Leslie we now have the tune to go along with the lyrics. I owe both of you a drink at the bar so I’m willing to pay off the debit at the next dinner meeting if you come and join us in song.

What other mysteries or traditions you would like to know about?

If I don’t know the answer, who knows the buoy wrangler, race deck jockey and bane of the mark-set boat might just take on another club mystery. Who is this Viking and what did he start at Kids Sailing Camp 2018?

So until next month remember to smile, enjoy your club and if possibly go out and have some fun on the water.

1 Comment

I Sargin
I Sargin
Aug 20, 2023

I'm looking forward to this, and will offer anyone to tell the real tale over a pint. Won't name names, but let's just say the club got the new club house funded in the 70's after a certain quantum entanglement experiment went awfully wrong, and it involved a concrete cylinder full of graduate students.

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