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2024-25 Sunday Chowder Races Midseason Review

JP Camille

As of January 1:

Total races – 11,

Total Participants – 22

Avg participants per race – 7.5

Can you believe we’ve already passed the halfway mark in the Chowder Racing Season for Winter 2024-25? At the timing of this writing, we’ve completed eleven (11) races, and have only eight (8) remaining this season. Weather has been co-operative so far with several rainy Sunday mornings clearing in time for an afternoon race in the crisp air and only one weather cancellation – knock on wood.

Turnout is up this season – the average of over 7.5 boats per race is a significant improvement over last Chowder Season’s average of 6. This is being fueled by an increasing number of non-BYC boats, which seems to go up every year.

It may be a reflection of the types of boats entering this season, but upwind/downwind courses have been the preferred course selection of the Race Committee volunteers so far this season, usually around D or X-OC. On only four occasions so far has the RC opted for a “wintery” triangle course. This reflects the usual seasonal pattern whereby winter winds predominate from the north especially in the morning, and then gradually clock west as the sea breeze establishes itself, often before the end of the race.

With 22 different participating boats so far this season we’ve seen our share of new Chowder racers as well as returning favorites. Among the 45% of non-BYC boats this season we have had a couple returnees from last season: Express 27 Nesher, and Wyliecat 30 Dazzler. They have been joined by several other Richmond area boats: Olson 30 ThinkFast, Olson 911S Blue Martini, J/105 Archimedes, and Santa Cruz 27 Crazy Rhythm. Surprisingly we’ve also had regular participation coming all the way from Pier 39 in San Francisco: Morgan 366 Westerly.

Members interested in a nice day on the water with other boats around, or casual racing with a diverse PHRF fleet ahead of the spring bay distance races are encouraged come on down Sundays and join the Chowder fun.

The highlight of the season so far was a well-attended race on November 17, featuring 13(!) entrants. The volunteer Race Committee J/105 JGPC cannily chose twice around D (course 5) based on a forecasted westerly wind and set a large line to accommodate the wind from the NNW. Social media posts captured the start featuring smiling 4-year-olds on Olson 25 Shadowfax starting at the pin on port-tack and ducking and weaving their way through the fleet. A large wind shift after the first upwind leg resulted in very different upwind legs. The result was the 5O5 dinghy O’Leary Construction crossing the line first, followed by J/105 Yellowfin as the first keelboat and then C&C 40 Baby Blue. The corrected finish places for the keelboats went to Olson 25 Shadowfax, followed by Santana 22 Mad Max, followed by Olson 30 ThinkFast. Reminder that we provide trophy mugs for the top three finishers when nine or more entrants participate in a Sunday Chowder race.


Sunday, March 2 – North U: Tactics Seminar, hosted by BYC with discount available for members

Friday, March 7 – Crew Party! Come to BYC for BBQ and shore-up your crew

Sunday, March 9 – Last Chowder Race of Winter 24-25

Friday, March 14 – First Friday Night Beercan Race of 2025

April 12-13 – Wheeler Regatta


We are looking for some individuals interested in becoming the next generation of BYC Race Management. Very big shoes to fill! The first opportunity is an all-day US Sailing Basic Race Management Seminar on March 15, hosted by Treasure Island Yacht Club. Contact JP Camille if you’re interested.

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