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2023 PICYA Lipton Cup Preview

By JP Camille, Director

The annual PICYA Lipton Cup provides a rare opportunity for yacht clubs around the bay to formally competing in the sport of yachting! For the fifth year running the format comprises of J/22 one design racing, using the charter boat fleet from St.Francis Yacht Club, and hosted by a different yacht club yearly with three individual competitions each taking place each day over a Friday-Sunday weekend in mid-June.


This year San Francisco Yacht Club will host sailing events in the storied “Knox” sailing area around Little Harding. This year’s races are as follows:

  • Friday, June 16 Admiral’s Cup: Competition with helmsperson above the age of 60. Delivery race from StFYC to SFYC, with the possibility of up to three additional races around Knox.

  • Saturday, June 17 Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Trophy: On-the-water umpired day of competition with up to seven races.

  • Sunday, June 18 Larry Knight Trophy: Competition with female helmsperson. Up to three races including the return delivery race from SFYC to StFYC. The three competitions’ scores are combined yielding an overall winner and new home for the “Lipton Pacific Coast Perpetual Trophy”. Sound like fun? All club members are encouraged to join the festivities and support the BYC sailors!

SHORESIDE ENTERTAINMENT, SOCIALS & SPECTATORS Lipton Cup is a great opportunity for members to show up and support team BYC!

  • Friday, June 16 @ SFYC: Post-racing beer, snacks and lawn games at the Cove House. Competitors and spectators are invited to participate in their Friday Night Racing BBQ or dine in the SFYC clubhouse.

  • Saturday, June 17 @ SFYC: Post-racing beer and a BBQ dinner will be provided. SFYC Clubhouse dining room will also be open for no-host dining.

  • Sunday, June 18 @ StFYC: Post-racing beer, wine, and snacks will be provided. Competitors and spectators are invited for no-host dining in the clubhouse.

  • Spectator Boats are Welcome All Days: The Guest Dock off the Main SFYC Clubhouse has been reserved for the regatta. Spectator Boats must register with the Front Desk immediately upon arrival at the designated Guest Dock. Spectator boats must fly the burgee of the yacht club they are supporting in order to dock at the Guest Dock.

MEET THE BYC TEAM Friday Admiral's Cup: Skipper Mark Salmon, Aaron Lee, JP Camille and Tim Collins Saturday Sir Thomas Lipton: Skipper Hawkeye King, Aaron Lee., Phil Strause and Malina Meissner Sunday Larry Knight: Skipper Mary Garfein, Glen Garfein, David Scott and Tim Collins

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