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2023 Election Results

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Election Results Voting closed on November 18, 2022, for the Board of Directors election and dues increase. At the “Cioppino Night” Member Dinner on November 18, results were announced by Staff Commodores Falk Meissner and Mark Bird. Of the eligible 249 voting members, 115 returned their ballots for a response rate of 46%. The dues increase passed 79 (68.7%) to 36 (31.3%). And all the volunteer ocers and directors were voted in to their elected positions.

Presenting the 2023 Board of Directors:

Commodore – Brian Cline Vice Commodore – Mary Garfein Rear Commodore – Graeme Lowe

Fleet Captain – Roger Mason Treasurer – Evan McDonald

Secretary – Robin Crawford

Port Captain – Ibrahim Sargin

Director – JP Camille

Director – Kimber Oswald

Director – Phil Strause

Director – Amanda Witherell

The new dues structure, effective January 1, 2023, is as follows: Regular members: $ 80 / month

Associate members: $ 80 / month

Senior members: $ 40 / month

Youth members: $ 30 / month

Junior members: $ 6 / month

Inactive members: $100 / year

Honorary members: gratis

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